All About Steadyrest

All About Steadyrest

We combine precision machining with highly aestheticized fabrication techniques to deliver the best looking, and best functioning projects you can think of. Metal fabrication is a broad industry, and we like to focus on the complex and fine details that often get overlooked by general fabricators. The expectations for every project coming in and out of our doors are A+ quality, meeting A+ tolerances.

In our modest machine shop in Chicago, IL we work primarily within the art and design community. Inherently, this means staying flexible to the changing needs of artisans/designers. Steadyrest offers creative problem solving for every step of every project to make sure that innovative and unique ideas can be fully realized. With a wide knowledge base in tight tolerances, fine aesthetics, and superb craftsmanship; we look forward to combining these pillars of our company into your project.

Steadyrest was started by Danny Shapiro. Danny has a background in sculpture and designed objects which preceded a career in metal fabrication. When Danny is not in the shop working on Steadyrest projects you can usually find him in the shop rebuilding machinery and making tools for fun.

“Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast”

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Special thanks to:

Nick Ferreira for website design

Matt Gehring for photography

Al Nelson for logo/graphic design